The kiddos this week!
How do I put this the right way, my children and both on a rampage this week…. I love them both with all my heart.. but sometimes they drive me crazy! The joys of motherhood…
Nolan- we have been trying to potty train him and he has been doing so well except for this week, {mommy yucky, poo poo..} really again why all of a sudden does he not want to go poop in the potty. I will give him this, he does wait till he has a pull up on so I do not have to clean up his undies…
Nolan- for those of you who do not know my child is an escape artiest and this week has been bad. He will find his way in or out of anything. How does a 2 year old brake out of his room with a child prof door handle on it.. I have no idea.
Nolan-Really did you have to draw on the table with the permanent marker your dad left out again… That is your dads fault really
Nolan- you do not have to crawl up and sit in the sink with the water running to brush your teeth. I’m happy you are brushing your teeth but now you are soaked. Speaking of teeth, I’m pretty sure you are scheduled to have a dentist appointment soon (as are all of you). I think we may try to go somewhere similar to this Pediatric Dentist in Vineland as I don’t think you were too keen on the dentist we went to last time if I remember correctly. I think you will benefit from going to someone who works with children’s teeth. Although, my friend did tell me that Dentist in Citrus Heights they saw was good with her kids, maybe we’ll try there instead. They may be able to tell you how to brush your teeth without making this amount of mess too!
Nolan- Thank you for trying to help mommy sweep, but did you have to spreed around the dirt I had in a pile?
Nolan-when you climb up on the table to jump off, it might hurt a little. (my child is fearless)
Luke- OK you are such a good baby but I think mama and dada are spoiling you along with your big brother… He loves you so much
Luke- you are growing so fast, such a big boy
LOL!! You sound like you have had your hands full!! But these things are the joys we look back on when they are older and smart talking at us!!Followed you from the Mommy Brain Mixer!Jessica
I can relate to most of those. My daughter even snuck out of the house when I was in the bathroom one day. I ran out and couldn't find her for a full minute, finally found her in the neighbor's yard. Motherhood is enough to make you lose your mind sometimes I swear!
If you haven't found a way to get the magic marker off, we used toothpaste when it happened over here, and it took it off like a charm!