Birthday Traditions
For instance, Luke, my brainiac child, just turned 9. He may be my lazy child (you know the one who hates to walk more than ten steps before they get tired?) But, the love he has for learning is beyond anything that I’ve seen in a child.
From outer space to human anatomy, that boy loves to learn. I’m more than excited to see where his love for learning will take him when he gets older.
Now Luke may not be a natural athlete or have the most coordination, but he does have the motivation. It’s crazy to me to see how motivated he can get.

Not too long ago, Luke wanted to learn how to play basketball. Nolan (my oldest) is a natural talent for sports; however good he may be at the overall shoot and score aspect of sports, Nolan isn’t big on being a team player or playing with a team, I should say.
All that being said, Luke wanted to learn how to play. Now I’m not being mean when I say this, but Luke doesn’t have that natural talent like Nolan. However, when Luke puts his mind to something, he goes all out. That afternoon, I sat with him and taught him the correct way to shoot a basketball.
My Lukester stood there and repeatedly shot until he could make a basket. Then he came to me and asked me to show him how to dribble the right way.
All that being said, I’m more than proud of my middle man. He is smart and loves and gives with his whole heart. I could go on and on about how amazing he is, but today was supposed to be about our birthday traditions.

(Just like a mom to go on and on about her children, right!?)
Back to the birthday traditions!
In our family, we haven’t always had the money to have parties. But the one thing we have always done is allow the kids to pick what or where they wanted to eat dinner. We usually do this and invite our friends and family to meet us for a birthday celebratory dinner.
This year with us being new to the area and because most places won’t allow a big group to eat dinner, we had a “just family” dinner at home.
Luke still decided what he wanted to eat and surprised us when he said Japanese food. I had to get him to explain what he meant, and he made my heart jump for joy when he told me he wanted Sushi.
Who doesn’t love Sushi? I mean, it’s usually a special occasion if The Husband and I get to eat Sushi but for the kids to want it too is astonishing.
So that’s what we did. We had ourselves some Sushi for the whole family, and we all enjoyed it.
Do you want to try sushi too or any other delicacy from Japanese cuisine? Don’t worry, I am not scaring you with the recipe. But you can definitely order some authentic Japanese food online. If you are based in and around Sacramento, you can look for places that serve Sacramento Japanese Food to savor your tastebuds.Nolan did ask if we could eat Sushi every night; we, of course, had to decline sadly. However, we had a fantastic birthday dinner, followed by us taking the kids to the park and having a family night of fun.
What do you do for birthday traditions? I’d love to hear all the stories!