Day two! I'm alive.
Now that the Tylonal has started to work and my massive headache is gone I’m ready to share how my oh so eventful (if you can call it that) day went. I thought about writing a good morning post but after the little sleep, I got last night I just couldn’t bring myself to pull the computer out.
To start, I didn’t get a ton of sleep. Not because I couldn’t sleep but because I couldn’t fall asleep. I had forgotten how hard it was to fall asleep without The Husband by my side. I was joking with Jared last night that Nolan would be late to school every day this week due to me having to drag all three kids out at 7 am to take him. But to my surprise, I woke up early, got all three kids dress and Nolan to school on time. I was extremely proud of myself.
After my return home, I couldn’t help but think to myself. One down, two to go… lol. Just kidding of course, or was I? Hahahahahahah!!!! Man, I’m just cracking myself up over here.
Anyways….. I decided to stay home from the gym today due to my back still hurting and knowing that tomorrow is leg day I wanted to give it a break. I did, however, eat healthy all day to make up for the missed workout.
I did clean the house twice today. Took the kids for a slushy, spent some time with Nolan and made some flash cards with his popcorn words for school.
And that’s about it. I’ve had this massive headache all day. I’m relaxing now, drinking my new SweetLeaf Water Drops and about to head to bed. I hope you all have a great day and I’ll be back tomorrow a small catch up.