I received these products for my honest review for free
If you were to walk into my bathroom and take a look at my counter, you would automatically know that I’m a makeup gal. I lovee it. Although my husband may not like my pile of makeup getting bigger, he will have to deal because there is nothing I like more than to try out new makeup. Especially organic makeup.
I love trying organic, chemical free makeup because honestly there is nothing more amazing than something that is all natural. That is if it works. Marie Natie is just that. Today in my video that I posted below I used all three products in the picture above. I loved the Rose eyeshadow and the mascara. The mascara is the perfect mascara when you don’t feel like wearing fake lashes because let’s face it not everyone has time for that. The mascara made my lashes so full and without a clump in sight.

Products I used in my video for this look:
Mascara: Marie Natie
Eyeliner: Marie Natie (Absolute Brown)
Brow Powder: Merle Norman (Light Brown)
Lips: Revlon (205 Elusive Insaisissable)
Lips: Urban Decay Naked On The Run (Sesso)
Marie Natie: Rose
Urban Decay Naked On The Run: Dive, Resist
Merle Norman Flawless Effect L10
Maybelline: Instant Ange Rewind (210 Fair Clair)

MarieNatie Cosmetics founder, Marie founded MarieNatie Cosmetics based on her love of makeup and everything natural. Encouraged by the consumers growing awareness of natural cosmetics and concern over what she was putting on (and in her skin), Marie researched, sourced ingredients, tested and re-tested products until she was satisfied she had created the best natural products available. Ingredients were carefully selected and tested to create the MarieNatie Cosmetics natural makeup line and her dedication to present the very best ensures that consumers are getting what they deserve. She wants all women to love their makeup and to love MarieNatie.
I'm curious when this company was founded? My aunt was one of the original sellers of Arbonne (popular years ago!) because of the natural cosmetics. She was allergic to a lot of other products, so Arbonne is one of the only things that worked for her. I'll have to let her know about this line as well for an alternative option!
I really don't wear make-up every day, but I just need to learn how to put make-up on properly when I go out. I love doing my eyes, but I just haven't found out the right look for me. Thanks for sharing.
I'm not a big make-up fan but when I do wear makeup, I always opt for natural and organic. I've never heard of Marie Natie before – is it a new company? Love the mascara!
I just realized my skin is a shade paler than it was in the summer and it's time to buy some new foundation. I will definitely look into the Merle Norman foundation. I also really like the eye colors you used – your eyes look gorgeous!
Your MarieNatie Cosmetics look great on you. I'm sure it's hard to find make to go with your wonderful auburn hair. They did a great job of picking out your colors and it looks very natural. Pretty!
I guess my comments did not go through but I did mention that you had beautiful eyes and I thought my daughters would love this look.
I'm not the sort of person who splurges a lot on makeup but this could definitely be an exception. I love that Marie Natie products are organic AND chemical free. Plus the products you wore are definitely the shades I would pick. Exquisite!