This week marks week 20 of my pregnancy to my baby girl. Let me just start by saying these last two weeks have been crazy. First I get this horrible summer cold/allergies. Sore throat, clogged nose and water filled ears. I still went to work all my days even though by the time I left I had no voice. I sucked it up and just kept trucking along. But the fun did not stop there. Last week my right ankle started to hurt when walking. Ok I thought. This too will pass.that it did not but instead of it getting better it started to swell.

So I went to the ER got an x-ray but nothing. “OK”I thought. I just kept going. Finally about 3-4 days ago I got a small little rash on my ankle. Now it’s hurting to walk, swollen and now has an itchy rash. My thoughts, go back to the ER. See what they say. Something is going on and I have no idea what it is. I go to the ER and what do they tell me. “You have shingles”. What… You have to be kidding me right. On my foot??? I asked for he doctor to run test to make sure just because in my mind this could not be happening. On top of that if I have shingles I can not go to work (I work in the hospital) and if I can’t work I can’t pay the bills. Doctor said no he would not run the test. And I quote “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it’s a duck”. OK, Ok. I cried wheat home not in a very good mood, called work etc. The next morning I called my OB, went in and what did he say??? There is no way this is shingles… No blisters, you’ve only had it a couple of days and it’s on your foot. Yay… I get to work and cried for nothing right. What a long past two weeks but I’m alive, feeling baby Ryan move all the time now and growing.
P.S. I hope you all have a better week than I had.
19 weeks…
20 weeks…
How awful, so sorry your feeling miserable but thank goodness it's not shingles! You still look adorable in you pics though!