How Motherhood Has Changed Me!
I recently read a post on Facebook which has lead me to share with you all the ways that motherhood has changed my life. As I sat reading this post I could not help but get goose bumps about how right this Author was. How motherhood has changed my life in so many ways. That I am not only strong but also weak when it comes to my children.
Before I had children the only thing I can remember my own mother telling me about having children is this one quote “you will never know how much I love you until you have your own children”. My mom would tell me after I told her “I love you more mom”. If only I truly understood what those words of wisdom truly meant.
That having a child would change my life in many different ways. That the love I would feel for my children would be indescribable. That life as I knew it would be turned upside down and inside out from that first moment I saw those two pink lines.
How my body would never be the same. It would no longer be the same small body without a single mark.
How the once fearless me would turn into a wimp while riding in a car with my new born. How every horror story I once herd and did not think twice about would now linger in my mind. What if that was my child? How every picture, every disaster I would hold my baby closer and closer. How at age one I am already thinking of how to keep him from bullies at school.
How leaving him with a sitter for a date night I can not get him off my mind. Is he ok? What did he eat? What if he falls in the pool? Or gets out of the house? And ends with a “lets go pick up the kids”!
How the love for my husband has changed over the years. How seeing him change a diaper or even caring my youngest to the car with a smile on his face made him even more sexier in my eyes. How I sit outside my sons room and listen to my husband read a bed time story that I have herd 100 times and yet every time it puts a smile on my face.
If only I knew how different my life would turn out to be. How crazy and unexpected this love truly is. I would not change it for the world. My world has changed and turned upside and inside out for the better. Those sleepless nights, fears, body changes, and cravings to make this world better for my children. Yes, some of the changes like vaginal laxity were new. I know a lot of people get vaginal tightening treatments, and I’m told Only Aesthetics is one of the most sought-after laser vaginal tightening treatment providers. Anyway, it’s good to have such advanced technologies, providing us women with such great options that make them feel confident.
Personally, I probably would not change it for anything. So bring on the fears and the stretch marks for this love that I feel, this love that my mom once told me about. Is so worth every single moment.