I saved a Turtle today!
Today on my way to take Nolan to the doctor I came across a scene right out of a book. A huge turtle was crossing the road, and when I say huge I mean this was the biggest turtle I have ever seen out side of the zoo. So I stopped, put my hazards on (this was on a back road, not a lot of traffic) and got out. Thank God for the another car that stopped to help me. This thing was a snapping turtle, and it was fast (when it came to snapping of course). If I would have gotten bit i’m sure it would have taken of a finger! So we got a cardboard and shuffled it onto the side of the road. I’m happy that we saved it so that it can go on and get even bigger and stop someone else and make there day like it had mine.
The pictures are from my phone so the quality are not that great!
You're a hero!
have never seen an actual turtle before.hehe! 🙂
anyways, I think that turtle is cute and it's lucky that you saw him and saved him..
new follower here! 🙂
Never wow, but yes he was so cute until he tried to bite me! hehe I saved him anyways.
He better be counting his blessings! Here you are trying to save him and he tried to bite you 😉 I hear snapping turtles are mean!
Yes very mean and they have long necks too!
Wow – crazy that is quite a large turtle!