Ice Cream for those with food allergies and vegan ~SubZero San Antonio~
Having a child with such bad food allergies is not the easiest when it comes to desert or even birthday cakes. What about ice cream? My poor child is not only allergic to dairy but also eggs and soy as well. Making the option for custard and soy based ice cream out of the question.
With Luke in mind a friend told us about SubZero ice cream and how they have a variety of choices that even Luke can try. Not wanting to take Luke in and not get him anything Jared and I decided to have a little date night and check it out.
I couldn’t believe it was true. They had everything from low-fat to original to rice milk and vegan. I was so excited to give it a try and even more excited that I have found something that Luke can have. I cannot tell you how much it has hurt me to have to tell him “no” over and over again and now that he is getting much older he is noticing even more that others are getting things that he isn’t. It just breaks my heart.
This process was actually quite neat. They start off with all liquids, you add your flavor and ingredients that you wanted added and then freeze the ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Creating fun “like magic” ice cream that was not only fun to watch but good as well.
This is really a wonderful post.
Yum, wish we had a SubZero around Jersey. All we see is Let’s Yo or some yogurt shoppe lol