5 great things that have come from switching rolls with my husband.
Just recently my life has taken a huge turn around. I am now the main provider of my family. My husband is now going back to school and taking over the roll of “STAY AT HOME MOM” I guess for him it would be “DAD”.
This is something that yes had been a huge strugle for the both of us. For we are both learning to walk in each others shoes. But it also has its perks.
#1. I now get to have more adult conversations.
#2. Getting to hear my husband say “I just need to get out of this house and have an adult conversation”.
#3. I get to go to the bathroom by myself.
#4. Fist thing my husband says when I get home is “Can I please go to the bathroom? Alone?”
#5.After the kids go to bed I look at my husband, ask him what is wrong, he replies “I am so exosted, the kids wore me out today”